------ ongoingness (or some Physiological Descriptions of a Continuing Notion with Observations and Enquiries thereupon) ------


This section is not a conclusion, a coming together of the ideas presented across these writings, but is a short analysis of the form of writing I have chosen to take in relation to ongoingness. The full writings, as presented, aim to combine as some kind of discontinuous whole, and are displayed through Robert Hooke’s louse-drawing as interface in order to articulate the notion of ongoingness as networked, nonlinear, transversing, a/multitemporal. Louse-drawing is a horizontal way in, an entry at any point, a movement through heterogeneous zones. Yet it is also a dissection of something deemed as continual, a fragmenting in order to represent. This has been a major challenge of this form of writing: where to locate divides across a continuum, and then how to match these to the pictorial divides of louse-drawing (such as the head, the legs). A standard authorial step, to cleave and unify as subject, but I hope that the various sections can be read all in relation to each other (at least through hyperlinks) rather than as a prescribed, chosen order. One of the aspects of the figural louse is intended to be a many-places-at-once connector. The links and louse that give a sense of an ongoingness across disparate writings are, for me, really there, and hopefully express themselves enough to be followed.  

Louse-drawing remains static, lying on its back, and dictates its divides - no leg has been maliciously sawn in half. I worried initially about having to succumb to prescribed pictorial sections in mapping the writings - if this was a reduction - but have come to see it as a necessary step in presenting the texts as transparent information. Louse still functions as figure, perhaps more so, in this cartographic state. Though there are size differences in louse-drawing (the abdomen is bigger than each leg), this is not to be thought of as a utilised hierarchy. The option remains there, too, for irrational divides, not following any such cartographic lines, all the way down to the size of a clickable pixel. Still, I find some unity in tracing ongoingness using the lines with which Hooke constructed louse-drawing, via the microscope, some 350 years ago.

List of Illustrations

The main homepage uses Robert Hooke’s drawing of a louse from Micrographia, 1665. All individual sections are headed by a dissected body part of this same drawing.

The images in the margins are dissected legs from Robert Hooke’s drawing of an ant, also from Micrographia, 1665.

The other images included amongst the text are as follows:

fig.1 - Robert Hooke's microscope in Micrographia, 1665. Situated in hair

fig.2 - Great Vowel Shift diagram/caravan, Arieh Frosh, 2019. Situated in leg 2

fig.3 - Counterpart words map of the body louse. Source: World Loanword Database (accessed 17 June 2019). Situated in leg 4

fig.4 - a whole lot slower (Kibble Balance), Arieh Frosh, 2019. Originally published in Le Grand K, Royal College of Art, 2019. Situated in bulbs

fig.5 - Cemetery of Splendour (still), dir: Apichatpong Weerasethakul, 2015. Situated in abdomen

With great thanks to Jonathan P Watts, and to Sonia Bernac and Bruno for their skilfull work on the website.



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© Arieh Frosh, 2019